
The 28th State
Outdoor Gear
The 28th State represents an attitude and everything about Texas that we love, our products are symbols of all of that. We set out to provide you with only the highest quality Outdoor Gear that will withstand the day to day abuse you are willing to unleash. Whether it be bay fishing, hunting, tossing hay bales, or merely sitting back next to a good Ole’ mesquite fire laughing and loving life with your friends and family, we would love to be a part of that.



Outdoor Gear
"Just received my cups and all I can say, awesome!!! No matter what drink I choose, I have a fitted cup for it! Wishing you all the success this product deserves!"
Jesse Castaneda
"The products are great and well made! Not only a top notch product line with a lot of variety, but the meaning behind the name of the company is what truly drew me to the brand."
"Quality products and great history behind the name and logo. Texas Baby!"
"My husband has the Sendero Military Tactical backpack and it has so many pockets and space for everything. Works great for when he has to travel!"
Anastasia Gonzalez